ISSUE 34 | JANUARY 31, 2025
(Hi! I’m calling this THE SACRED now because we outgrew Sacred Weekends. xo)
If you want the audio version—more ad lib’d and warm… here you go:
I’m looking for a new place to live. Again. I’ve been in the most rad beach front apartment with walnut floors and pink sunsets. Every morning I walk nudie into my living room, open my arms and say, Hellooooo Mama! She blesses me all day while I write and record. I planned on living here another ten years. Dreamy.
But… the renoviction hath come.
You know the term? Reno-vicition? It’s common in Vancouver. Building owners want to get tenants out (particularly old timers paying low rents) so they can jack rents. To legally justify evicting everyone, the owners say they have to “renovate” the building for “safety” reasons and everyone’s gotta go. It’s greed in the lead.
So why did I manifest a renoviction? I’ll trace my steps…
I’m part nun, part sexy love nugget. This means that I deeply crave two things at all times: austerity and emotional intimacy. A few years ago when I sold my house, my car, and gave away half my closet some friends asked, “Like… are you doing okay for money?” I’m good! I just don’t want this stuff anymore. Downsizing was the biggest exhale.
But I STILL walk around my place and think, what can I let go of? And hey, I’m not living like a zen monk. I have too many jeans I don’t wear, a custom sofa, and I spend gobs of money on protein powders, beeswax candles, and massages. But the craving for EVEN SIMPLER is ever present. Evidently, it’s magnetic.
The renoviction is meeting my desire for EVEN SIMPLER. I’ll be letting go of more. And if I park my disgust for profits over people, I feel DEEPLY EXCITED about the change. Less! Freer!
So, I’m not fighting it. (I mean, I AM fighting it in that I’ve petitioned the city, banded with the 50+ people in my building, printed hundreds of “STOP RENOVICTIONS” fliers, and will continue to press for morality.) But I’m not resisting the opportunity to change.
THIS IS WHY I’m not a big fan of vision boards that you set and forget. Because, ultimately who f*cking knows (well, actually, your Higher Self knows what’s coming and why it’s best.) Some of my friends in LA whose homes burned down might have had photos of beautiful houses on their literal and metaphorical vision boards. So… we have to have HIGHER DESIRES—like happiness no matter what, happiness for ALL—and then we give it over to the Divine to be brought to us in the best forms.
Selly natural segway: By the way… This is the essence of Vision Building. AGILE and spirit-backed planning for your life. BIGGER visions can mean simpler or fuller—it’s whatever your heart wants. And then you back it up with the metaphysics of Faith and an ambitious timeline.
“Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety. And at such a moment, unable to see and not daring to imagine what the future will now bring forth, one clings to what one knew, or dreamed that one possessed. Yet, it is only when a man is able, without bitterness or self-pity, to surrender a dream he has long possessed that he is set free, he has set himself free for higher dreams, for greater privileges.”
– James Baldwin
Whatever EVEN SIMPLER feels and looks like for you, I’m praying for it.
All for Love,
Sunday, February 2. 10am PT | 1pm ET.
The Vision Builder Event.
The January Heavies are lifting.
LUNAR NEW YEAR is here! Fresh energy!
I’m so happy about being together on a Sunday. I hope to have people with their friends in their living rooms tuning in. Gather your people and light a candle. Or be solo and shhhh. And if you can’t be there live, we’re producing an audiobook and e-book (and video, of course) to send you. Please sign up here.
2025 needs us to be sane and connected.
And for all the introverts, you may appreciate knowing that there will be no breakout groups in this event! I got you, babes. Guiding you through the process step by step. Xo
I’m taking a group to Egypt. April 23 to May 6. Think: Bougie meets spiritual pilgrimage. Small group of twenty. You gotta feel the call, because Egypt will have her way with you. Please email and I’ll get you the itinerary. xo
Did an awesome friend forward this to you? Hope so!
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