The Write + Burn Practice: For Releasing Stagnant Emotions and Patterns


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Practice Length: 21+ min

GUIDED AUDIO PRACTICE + PRINTABLE KIT. Print, trim, and tune up anywhere––no device needed! Tuck a copy in your bag or planner for cleansing and Divine connection on-the-go.



The majority of spiritual practice is about cleansing—letting go of what muddles our thinking and blocks the flow of Love… 

And the Write + Burn Practice is one of the most simple, powerful ways to do so.

A ‘Greatest Hit’ in the Heart Centered Membership––this practice quickly becomes a beloved landmark in our new members’ months!

On every Full Moon, and before every Dark of the Moon, you’ll put pencil on paper to follow sets of reflective questions for 21+ minutes. Then burn (or tear) your writing as a symbol of Release, before slipping into a cleansing shower or salt bath.

Once committed to memory, you’ll find the Write + Burn Practice deeply intuitive, and vitally essential.

Clarify thought. Transmute heaviness into lightness. Release resentments. Offer up the dense stuff in your Energy Body so the Light of your Soul can find its way in.

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THE FULL MOON is the most potent lunar moment for releasing stagnant energies we’ve been carrying––emotions, perceptions, beliefs. As well as making deep, robust contact with the Higher Soul, and reflecting on our Virtues and aspirations.

DARK OF THE MOON is the 24 to 48 hours before the New Moon. Ideal to rediscover, reacquaint, and willingly allow SHADOW aspects—within and without—to arise. We cleanse  and tidy so we can truly start fresh with new projects and intentions. Clarified. Aligned.

WHY WRITE + BURN? To feel lighter. To let go of your grievances. Your resentments. Your darkest thoughts. You write your heart out, offer it up to be let go, and rinse the ashes away. 

The purpose of aligning this practice with lunation is to increase its impact.

This has been a staple in Danielle’s rhythm for years. In her experience, you’ll often start off with the cranky, gnarly stuff that’s been nibbling at you for a couple weeks, even years…

Then after 20 minutes of scrawling, you start to feel lighter. You realize you can bless these things, and shift into gratitude. You recognize your power to process and offer them up.

Our healing is a gift to the collective, to The Divine. This lightening practice is such a beautiful gift and act of service in myriad ways.

What This Kit Includes

Your Write + Burn Practice Includes:



  • The Full Moon Practice (6 min)
  • The Dark of the Moon Practice (5 min)
  • Featuring introduction, theory, and guided reflection with Danielle


  • Printable, gorgeously-designed cue cards (so you can unplug and follow the steps device-free, wherever you so desire!)
  • The purpose and metaphysical theory
  • Pro pointers for pre-care and practicing
  • Guided reflection cue cards for Full Moon and Dark of the Moon

V.S. Bio

Co-created with V.S.––our RESIDENT ENERGY HEALER…

V.S. has been working with Team D for nearly a decade, creating meditations and providing esoteric guidance for the Heart Centered Membership.

Originally from India, she is an exceptionally skilled metaphysical practitioner, drawing from multiple wisdom traditions. V.S. practices very privately—she’s not on social media and lives a very inward life.