transitive verb
: to retell or restate briefly
: to give new form or expression to
: to repeat the principal stages or phases of (a process, such as a biological process)
: to reproduce or closely resemble (as in structure or function)
: the repetition of an evolutionary process during development or growth.

I read a book called, The Sorcerer’s Crossing when I was in my twenties. A young woman finds herself on the path to becoming a shaman. Her mentor gives her the assignment of sitting in a cave for hours every day, for months ongoingly to RECAPITULATE (one of my favourite words) every-single-memory of her entire life. Everything.

I was so down with that concept. The purification! Fresh starts! (I have four planets in Virgo and Virgs love a good purge.) I always saw myself living a hermet’ish life as an old lady. Long silver braids, lotus pose in my backyard doing a THOROUGH-BUT-GENTLE SCRAPING OUT OF MY ASTRAL BODY. 

I don’t need to be old. And I don’t need a meditation hut.

Egypt (November ‘24) activated clearer seeing for me and massive dissolution of judgment and fear. And an amazing recapitulation process. It’s almost inexplicable, but let me try…

I’m remembering every person I’ve ever met in my entire life. The doctors in the delivery room when I was born. My nursery school class. Everyone at every wedding, those parties, the campfires. Audiences. Flight attendants. That guy on the beach I was crushing on twenty years ago. Every cafe, flirtation, teacher. My former husband’s firefighter crew. The friends my friends brought with them to the event. Lunch meetings and people we bumped into.

Thousands of people. The “inconsequential” and obviously impactful. This week, every animal I’ve ever come into contact with has started to cross my mind.

The recollections come soft and gracefully, mostly as I wake up and as I’m falling asleep, sometimes when I’m walking or in meditation—floating through the liminal space. Easy breezy. 

I suspect I’ll be experiencing this for another few months, until every being I’ve shared space with has surfaced from my astral body—the memory clutch bag for all of us. 

This is key: The arisings come with no stories or emotional charge. Even seeing the most harmful people in my past has no story to it anymore. Non obtrusive. One face connects to many others. Nothing is heavy or disturbing. It just feels like filmic vignettes flickering on the screen of my mind. I love it.

The Soul cleans out your human vessel so you can accommodate more Light. Your old earth self gets plowed to embody the New Earth.

The teachable? GENTLE RECAPITULATION helps us move forward. If we can see the past without emotional hooks, we tap deep peace. Ask for your Soul to guide you when the time is right. Write it out. Walk it out. Breathe it out.

Egypt kicked this into overdrive for me. But my simple, steady practices plied me for this recapitulation phenomenon. Prayers, the salt baths, the meditations. We cleanse, then we accommodate more Light, and we repeat.

You don’t have to haul to Cairo to ignite the recapitulation process, but I bet if you check-in with your Higher Self on a daily basis and ask it to (mercifully) help you make space within yourself, then drop by drop, the Light will come in and set your memories free.

Pro tip: We don’t have to analyze, process, or understand everything that surfaces. Let it arise and rise. Thoroughly and gently.

All for Love,

I’m deeply excited about:

Can you feel the fresh energy coming in? January heavies are lifting. LUNAR NEW YEAR is Wednesday, January 29th and thennnnn…

The Vision Builder Event is happening Sunday, February 2. I’m polishing up the workbook today and I’m aiming for transmutation. I’m so happy about being together on a Sunday. Extra sacred. I hope to have people tuning in with their friends in their living rooms. Gather your girls and light a candle. And if you can’t be there live due to time zones and such, there will be a replay. Please sign up here. 2025 needs us to be manifesting from the HEART.

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