My Loves,

I got up today and did what I know is not good for me: scrolled. Told myself it was the spiritual thing to do because L.A. is burning and friends have lost their homes. And I should be on top of all that. As if my worry can quell flames. Seems like Maui fires all over again. Wealth, waterfront, wild winds.

And I stayed up a little later than was good for me last night thinking about the fires, and relationships, and my 2025 business plan. And my next trip to Egypt and how hungry I am for that cosmic intel. (I’m going back to Egypt in late April for two weeks. Co-leading a pilgrimage to the temples. DM me on my Instagram if Egypt is calling you. It’s intense, luxurious and… did I say… intense? Downpours of light.)

I’m becoming more sensing. And “what’s good for me” is on high alert.

I don’t want to use the word “sensitive.” That’s not it. And besides, on the HSP tests (Highly Sensitive Person), I come out as a highly insensitive person 😂—irritated by over-neediness, ungroundedness and… hypersensitivity. But, hi! I’m the person who can’t stay in most hotels because of air fresheners and mold, and I complain about sticky café tables, fluorescent lighting, and bad music just about everywhere I go.

But, my point, my teachable: “What’s good for me?” and “What’s not good for me?” are now like questions on an ER intake form and I have to check-in every week.

And it’s not because I’m getting brittle or aging out.

I’m feeling more internally vast and Accepting every day. (Note the capital “A.” I’m going for Acceptance as a virtue.) My nervous system is rohhh-BUST! The mold is clearing out of my body. The fat and brain fog from said mold poisoning is clearing out of my body.

The reason I need a “good for me” / “bad for me” barometer (and so do you) is because these are dark times and we need to fill up with Light.

The outer world is f*cked. And yes, we are each a microcosm in the macrocosm of the f*ckedness, as well as being part of the staggering, beautiful Light Consciousness emerging EVERYWHERE. Within/without.

But I don’t trust tap water. Or “the news.” Or most “non-GMO” product labels. I haven’t bought a skincare product from a drugstore in 10 years because they’re owned by companies who knowingly pump petroleum-based hormone disruptors into plastic bottles and sell the same sh*t as different brands for cheap and high prices.

I see creepy energies hovering around night clubs to prey on the density of drunk or drugged-out people; I think most pop (as in popular) music is trying to hammer darkness into the collective subconscious. Twenty minutes in a mall and I feel like I need an IV drip to recover from the heartbreak of zombi-fied consumerism. Water and an apple usually do it.

I need more sleep, and quiet, and Savasana, and laughter, and mantras, and greens, and Egypt, and touch because I want to thrive in and serve this crumbling, emerging world.

I don’t have a “good for me” / “bad for me” checklist because I’m getting weaker or more precious. I have it because I’m becoming more powerful.

Vigilance. Devotion. Love.

With you all the way,

Happening and so happy about it:

The Vision Builder Event is happening on Sunday, February 2. I’m taking you through a gorgeous life planning process that has nothing to do with hacking and everything to do with ENERGY and compassion AND… faster results. Yep, “quicker and compassionate” are NOT mutually exclusive states of being. I’m really excited to do this with people.

The Heart Centered Membership doors are opening on February 2—I’m so in love with this community. I’m mapping out 6-months of classes on healing anger and all kinds of spiritual essentials.

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