This is the most "spiritual" thing I say to myself these days. The most empowered and compassionate. The truest. Even when it doesn't feel true: I'm doing my best.
This is the most "spiritual" thing I say to myself these days. The most empowered and compassionate. The truest. Even when it doesn't feel true: I'm doing my best.
At a speaking gig, I asked a conference room of women, “Who resents having to be so strong all the time?” Almost all the hands went up. Resentment is a low vibration energy drain… How do we rise?
When we save the recapitulation we create less negative karma, hurt fewer feelings (including our own) and have buckets more energy for where we’re heading. Stay away from the complaint. Move toward the expansion.
Explanations of astral body, mental body, emotional body, and… What hangs out in your auric field anyway?
The practice of simplifying has consumed me in the best way possible. I’ve simplified every area of my life. It’s become a magnetic pull in my cells.