New! New! This! Romantic check-ins, altars + my fave music!
My Loves!
Welcome to the inaugural podcast edition of SACRED WEEKENDS! I’m sooo excited about this. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for years.
Like… reco’s my friends and I text about. Conversations with my Higher Self. Think: chilling with your nervous system, cool music, Netflix that isn’t all about numbing out, and communing with the Infinite.
SACRED WEEKENDS will drop 2 Fridays a month—in BOTH podcast + email form!
Here’s what I’m jamming on in the pod edition of SACRED WEEKENDS:
- FRIDAY: Want to hear about the “disastrous” check-in process that I created for my man and I? And how we turned it around into a conversation starter that is healing and productive?
- SATURDAY: My favourite online Yoga class, and a movie reco that might surprise you.
- SUNDAY: Is about devotion. A rundown of Heart Centered Altar Do’s and Don’ts.
With Love,